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These maps can be used for your generic Asian Campaign, for the adventures on this site, or to inspire your own creations. The maps are mostly in jpg format, which should be ok for casual gaming. If you think the maps should be in higher resolution, let me know, I might redo them.

So here are the maps:
The Dragon Sons' Monasteryjpg
The Pagoda of the Dragon Sonsjpg(1), jpg(2), jpg(3)
The Samurai Guardhousejpg
Ruins of a Monasteryjpg, jpg (closeup)
A Lone Shrinejpg
The Water Cavepdf
The Ambush Sitejpg
The Old Housejpg (If you are nasty, make the floor thin and let jumping characters break through)
The Cave of Mistjpg
A Peasant's Housejpg
The Temple of Airjpg, jpg (interior), jpg (DM)
Jiao Ba's Towerjpg, jpg (tunnels), jpg (DM)
Library of Forbidden Fire Knowledge jpg, jpg (lv 1-16)
Nezumi Storage Room jpg
Network Cave In jpg, jpg (DM)
A Nezumi Underground Fort jpg, jpg (level 2)
A Nezumi Gallery jpg, jpg (level 2)
Nezumi Network - Hive Chamber jpg
Nezumi Network - Overview Map gif (lv 1), gif (lv 2), gif (lv 3), gif (sectors), gif (sectors 2), gif (sectors 3)
Bandit Campsite jpg
Nezumi Network - Quarters jpg (lv 1), jpg (lv 2), jpg (lv 3)
Nezumi Network - Port jpg
Nezumi Network - Shopping jpg
Map of the Empire gif, jpg (colour)
A chasm jpg
The Illithid Base dome (jpg), pens (jpg), quarters (jpg), inner sanctum (jpg), DM's Map (jpg),
The underwater ruins of Naga-Noth jpg
The chaos pagoda jpg
The City of Laon jpg
Laon Boats, a close-up jpg
The Ma-Gog Delta overview (jpg) overview DM (gif) close up (jpg) close up interior (jpg) dungeon (gif)
The Eternal Dragon Inn outside (jpg) interior (jpg)
A tiny hut jpg
An Asian Fort jpg
The dread flying BoneShip jpg, jpg (upper deck) jpg (lower deck)
The Cave of the Shadow Dragon jpg, gif (DM's Map)
The Spa, grease and obscouring mist effects galore. jpg
The Jade Throne jpg
The Bloodrain Jungle jpg
A Tasloi Village in the Bloodrain Jungle jpg

You are allowed to use all of this material, put it on your website (if you mention this site closeby), and print it. However, if you do so, be kind enough to drop me a mail (with Oriental somewhere in the subject, I get tons of spam).